Featured in
Jon D'Amico's
Rock 'n Walk Sunset Strip
The Original Walking Tour of the Sunset Strip
Over 350 5-Star Reviews!
Rockin' the Strip Since 2017
Rock 'n Walk Sunset Strip
I created this Rock 'n Roll Walking Tour in 2017 to give my guests from around the world a fun and memorable way to explore the history of a legendary rock 'n roll playground.
Included in the tour are some fascinating tidbits shared with me by celebrity sources and local historians.
And you'll get the inside scoop from my personal experiences living and working on the Sunset Strip for over 30 years!
My mission is to keep the vibrant history of Sunset Strip alive and to share it with you!
Jon D'Amico, Owner and Tour Guide

2018 Creative Business Award Winner!
"This tour has it all.
-History about Rock 'n Roll? Check!
-Fun facts? Check!
-Iconic restaurants & hotels? Check!
-Good guide? Check!
As a travel agent, I do a lot of tours each year.
This is one of the best!"
_Ruben G.
"Jon knows all about the area's notorious past and can tell you where the bodies are buried!"
_Deborah G.
"I thoroughly recommend this walking tour to anyone visiting LA.
It's a brilliant way to get out of the car and see loads of historic locations and hidden gems on foot."
_Lawrence P.
"This was the absolute best tour in the area! We have been to LA four times and I wish I had found this sooner."
_Kathy F.
"Even if you're a SoCal native you learn things you can't read about in a book or magazine and have one heck of a great time doing it!"
_Elvi C.

2018 WEHO Creative Business Awards
Innovative Sustainability Award Winner

Sunset Strip Walking Tour
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A perfect gift for friends, family or coworkers.
Tourists and locals will enjoy this unique tour.
Gift Cards can be purchased for one or more with just 1 click!